We are on intake hold until further notice. We recommend joining local Facebook rescue groups and submitting detailed posts asking for assistance. Please offer transportation, donations, and a surrender fee, if possible. If you can foster, please offer to do so as well.
For help with stray cats, please join local TNR (trap neuter return) groups. You can call your local shelter and ask which services they offer. The priority for resolving any issues with the stray cat population is to fix and vaccinate them all. There are vouchers and county programs to make the service free, and you can rent a humane trap.
NOTE: YOU CANNOT REMOVE STRAY/FERAL CATS FROM THEIR HOME. According to studies, cats operate in a vacuum and occupy territory as it opens up. If you remove the cats, more will come. Establishing a fixed colony is the best and most humane solution.

Est. 2021
Sunny Acres is focused on saving animals of all sizes. Based in Riverside County but we're proud to help animals up and down the CA coast. Sisters, Jordan and Allison, founded this non-profit 501(c)3 org in honor of their late "nana" Nora. Her love and compassion lit up their lives, and the sisters hope to share her gift with the world through animal rescue and animal-assisted therapy. SARR is dedicated to improving the quality of life for both humans and animals.